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Is Organic Always GMOs Free?

Genetic engineering is - directly or indirectly - already present in almost all foods. In Germany, the majority of foods come into contact with genetic engineering at some point in the way of their production or processing. For some people it does not matter, but others would rather not have the unpredictable risk technology on their plates - either directly or indirectly.

Five tips show you what to look for when purchasing, to avoid genetic engineering

1. Buy controlled organic foods

Buy foods labeled with organic food labels. Better yet, buy food from a renowned farming association such as B. Demeter . A food can only receive the Bio-Seal if it has been certified and 100% organic ingredients.

Since "Bio" also means "free of genetic engineering", organic products are (still) almost 100 percent GMO-free.

In exceptional cases, organic products can consist of up to 5 percent conventional ingredients. However, this is only the case if these ingredients are not available in organic quality, this unavailability can be demonstrated and, furthermore, an exemption from the cultivation association has been granted for the use of the non-organic ingredients.But even these non-organic ingredients must be free of genetic engineering.

2. Buy regional products

Buy food grown and produced in the region - preferably directly from a biological farm or from a regional family business, who willingly willingly answer your questions about its products and possible use of genetic engineering.

In addition, you promote the organic cultivation and thus the genetic engineering freedom in your region in this way. At the same time, this ensures a healthy environment right on your doorstep.

Of course, you also help your neighbors with a regional purchase and at the same time boost the local economy a bit.

3. Look for products with the "GMO-free" logo

The light green diamond-shaped "GMO-free" logo marks products that contain no genetically modified components, even in traces. If this logo adorns dairy products or meat products, you also know that even the corresponding animals did not receive feed consisting of genetically modified plants.

4. Avoid products that contain risky ingredients

If you can not or do not want to buy organic foods or if you are not sure about the organic products you are looking for, look for the list of ingredients.

If there are things like corn, soy, or oilseed rape on a conventional product, or products made from these raw materials (eg, corn syrup, soy flour, rapeseed oil), then there is a certain risk that it might be GM maize, GM soy, or Gene oilseed rape.

These crops are now mostly grown in genetically modified form and partially imported into the EU. Although most genetically modified crops of this species are mixed into animal feed, they are also used repeatedly in food.

In the EU, however, this must be noted on the label, so z. B. Lecithin from "genetically modified soybeans".

On the other hand, it is not necessary to indicate if the cows whose milk you are drinking, the cattle whose meat you eat and the chickens whose eggs you buy, have been fed with genetically modified plants - which is mostly the case today.

Even as a hobby poultry farmer you will hardly find chicken feed that is free of genetically modified ingredients.

Of course, the milk of GM fed cows is also used to make milk powder, whey powder, lactose and many others, which is used in many end-products such as sweets, biscuits, cured meats, ready-made soups, instant sauces, dips, spice mixes and many other ready meals .

Likewise, eggs from chickens fed with GM feed as liquid eggs, whole egg powder, egg whites, etc. find their way into a wide range of sweets, baked goods and much more - all without labeling.

Just as little has to be identified when food additives are produced using genetically modified microorganisms, which is very often the case.

Flavor enhancers , flavors , acidulants and much more has its origins in genetically engineered enzymes, fungi and bacteria. The more additives a food contains, the higher the chances that genetic engineering was involved.

A wonderful solution for avoiding genetic engineering is to prepare meals from unprocessed regional organic ingredients in the future.

5. Make use of purchasing guides for non-GM products

The environmental protection organization Greenpeace has issued a purchasing guide "Food without genetic engineering - for non-GMO enjoyment". With its help, you can easily and safely go shopping for healthy and GMO-free food.

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